Welcome to Geospatial for HUman Environment Systems (GeoHUES) lab

Our lab researches in developing Geospatial techniques (Geo) for studying Human-Environment Systems (HUES). Our research intersects the multidisciplinary fields of satellite remote sensing and GIS technology along with human-environment interactions. We are concerned with how geospatial technologies can be used for understanding the anthropogenic environmental impacts (and vice-versa) through changes in land-use land-cover, environment and socio-economic health.

Figure 1. Framework showing interaction between human induced urban socioecosystem driving and bein driven by environmental changes. Socio-econonomic development/expansion land changes (e.g. urbanization) leads to alterations of biogeochemical cycles, climate, hydrosystems, and biodiversity at various spatio-temporal scales. Image is reproduced from Grimm, N. B., Faeth, S. H., Golubiewski, N. E., Redman, C. L., Wu, J., Bai, X., & Briggs, J. M. (2008). Global change and the ecology of cities. science, 319(5864), 756-760.

Prospective researchers

We are always looking for motivated graduate and undergraduate students, postdocs, and visiting scholars to join our team. If interested, please email to prakhar.misra[at]ce.iitr.ac.in .